7 steps for optimal 3D prints

7 Schritte für optimale 3D-Drucke Wir stellen hier wichtige Grundeinstellungen für deinen 3D-Drucker vor, um dir dabei zu helfen, das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu erzielen. Wenn du einen 3D-Drucker hast, ist es wichtig, dass du ihn richtig konfigurierst, um e

Here we present important basic settings for your 3D printer to help you achieve the best possible result. If you have a 3D printer, it is important that you configure it correctly in order to achieve high quality 3D prints. The basic settings we present in this article are easy to understand and implement.

Step 1: Level your printing plate

Before you start printing, you should make sure that your printing plate is properly leveled. An uneven printing plate leads to poor adhesion of the print object and can lead to undesirable results. Leveling your printing plate is an important step to ensure that your print object adheres to the plate and is properly aligned.

Step 2: Set the printing temperature

The printing temperature is another important factor that influences the quality of your prints. The correct printing temperature depends on the type of filament you are using. For PLA filaments, for example, a temperature of 200-220°C is recommended, while ABS filaments should be printed at higher temperatures. It is important that you set the correct printing temperature to ensure that your filament melts properly and forms into a high-quality print object.

Step 3: Set the speed

Speed is another important factor that affects the quality of your prints. If the speed is too high, this can lead to poor surface quality and distortion. If the speed is too low, this can lead to a longer printing time and undesirable results. It is important that you set the correct speed to ensure that your print object is printed in the right time and with the right quality.

Step 4: Use the right layer thickness

The layer thickness is another important factor that influences the quality of your prints. A layer thickness that is too thick can lead to undesirable results, while a layer thickness that is too thin can lead to a longer printing time. It is important that you set the correct layer thickness to ensure that your print object is printed in the right time and with the right quality.

Step 5: Use suitable software

The software you use to control your 3D printer is another important factor that affects the quality of your prints. It is important that you use software that is suitable for your printer and your operating system. Good software also allows you to easily configure the basic settings of your printer and enables you to control your 3D printer efficiently and effectively. There are many different 3D printing software options on the market, each with their pros and cons. Inform yourself thoroughly about the available options and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Step 6: Use high-quality filament

The filament you use for your 3D print is another important factor that influences the quality of your prints. It is important that you use high-quality filament to ensure that your print object is of high quality and stable. There are many different filament options on the market, including PLA, ABS, nylon and PETG. Thoroughly research the options available and choose the filament that best suits your project.

Step 7: Optimize the cooling

Cooling is another important factor that influences the quality of your prints. Too much or too little cooling can lead to distortion and other undesirable results. It is important that you optimize the cooling of your 3D printer to ensure that your print object is stable and of high quality.

In summary, it is important that you configure the basic settings of your 3D printer correctly in order to achieve high quality in your prints. This includes levelling your printing plate, setting the print temperature and speed, using the correct layer thickness and software, using high-quality filament and optimizing cooling. By following these steps, you will be able to create high-quality 3D prints that will exceed your expectations.


We hope this article has helped you to optimize the basic settings of your 3D printer and achieve high-quality prints. If you have any further questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.